Thursday, March 16, 2006

courtesy of mr kuhlers:

"If you werent afraid of death, or failure, or if you weren't afraid of rejection, if you were not afraid of humiliation, if you were not afraid of what other people thought about you, if you were not afraid of anything, what would you be doing? What would you do with your life?"
-erwin mcmanus


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i've got the itch so bad. everyday i spend a large part of it dreaming about boarding a plane and going somewhere outside of my little home in the south. california doesn't count, i need to see new soil. today, i thought about my dusty little passport that hasn't been used in 3 years. 3 years ago, almost to the day when i last visited costa rica. part of my heart remains there, to the people, the way of life, the pacific ocean.
soon the time will come to decorate my passport with a fresh stamp or two or three and i will be ready.

Friday, March 03, 2006

i have a wonderful life that i take for granted every day.
i miss my friends as usual.
i am going to grace the west coast with my presence real soon.
hanna is going to be here in less than 6 hours.
i am going to my first opera in a week.
music makes my life more enjoyable.
dogwoods and daffodils make me giddy.
i love to drink coffee and chew mint gum at the same time.
i have two landlords that pretty much rule and they are both named margaret.
i am seriously upset about not having a spring break.

i dont know why i felt the need to write this down.